Sasa’s Ukulele Concert
Target Audience: Chinese Millennials
Digital Media in Attendance312
Thousand PR Value (USD)3.14
Million ImpressionsThe Story
Music For The Mind
The ukulele is a musical instrument that is synonymous with Hawaiian culture. As the Hawaiian Islands’ representative in China, we planned a social influencer campaign to incorporate the ukulele and serenade the listeners’ as a way of introducing the destination.
Collaborating with Sasa, one of China’s most influential ukulele musicians who is widely-popular among teenagers and young adults, Air China and TOM Ukulele, we hosted a concert at Mao Livehouse in Shanghai to introduce Millennials to the culture and sound of Hawai’i. The event was attended by 16 digital media and towards the end of the performance, Hawai’i Tourism China presented Sasa the Happy, Healthy Hawai’i Award.
The Goal
An Influencer Who’s Also A Poster Girl!
We wanted to reach out to a younger audience by identifying an individual who has a unique personality and influence. With over 312,884 Weibo fans, Sasa is a living, breathing poster girl for TOM Ukulele, a famous musical instrument brand in China.
At the same time, we aimed to attract new audiences and bring people together through the power of Hawaiian music.
The Solution
Catch Sasa Live!
Together with partners Air China and TOM Ukulele, we staged a live concert for Sasa at Mao Livehouse in Shanghai. Four large-scale Chinese digital channels –,, Channel Young TV and – were invited to cover the event. Some 1,000 fans came to enjoy the ukulele artiste performance, showing their passionate support for her music.
This was a targeted initiative aimed at introducing the nuances of Hawaiian music and culture to a music-loving audience that is also inherently young. The concert was broadcasted on livestreaming websites like,, and Channel Young TV!
The two-hour concert was well-received as the audience cheered for an encore. As the concert drew to a close, Hawai’i Tourism China’s marketing team presented the Happy, Healthy Hawai’i Award to Sasa.
This uniquely digital musical initiative was reported by over 16 digital news outlets, including Travel & Leisure, Elle, Vouge,,,,,, Tehuiwan, Ludingji,,, Travel Weekly China,,, Channel Young TV and All in all, Sasa’s ukulele concert at Mao Livehouse successfully generated over 3.14 million impressions and a PR value of USD 312,000!
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